Saturday, December 10, 2011


so... hi :D

this is like my very first time encountering a Lunar Eclipse... i have been waiting for this to happen for a very long time..just so you know :D
the Lunar Eclipse happens tonight (10/12/2011) 
i have the pictures xD

so, this was the moon in the beginning :D

and then slowly, it turns reddish as it gets covered up xD

and lastly, it got fully covered up xD
(sorry, we don't use high quality :s)

credits to Leon c:

so... i'm really satisfied tonight xD

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

harro there :D

and yess... i finally get to update this horrible blog xD

so today, i was suppose to watch a movie with my friends..but turned out that the seats were full =.=
at first i invited a lot to go to Gadong today..but only me, Leon, Tony and Gerard came.. sad much..

when i arrive at Gadong, i went to Netcom to play COD with Tony and Gerard.. yay~
but we ended up playing LoL instead...

and then we decided to watch a movie with tony... but it was full D:
so he went back to cyber to find gerard..and leon went somewhere.... x.x
and i was left alone...again x.x

since my other friend is in Gadong too... i went to find him... we went to the arcade..blablabla...

and the end of story.... i'm pretty much sad about today..cause it was a total fail...
and because Asyraf, Chong and Riisu were suppose to come..but they didn't...

gah.. today was a piss off -.-

At least i get to buy Kimi no Todoke Season 2~
i was so happy that i found it at the CD shop xD
lol.. i only bought because the first season was pretty nice :D


well then, i gotta go now.. 
i'm so damn tired...


Friday, December 2, 2011

so waddup guys~ it's been quite a while yea? 
well.. i'm sorry if my life nowadays is boring as fuck.. you know what i'm saying?

haha..just kidding :D

a lot of shiz actually happened..
the last crazy thing i remembered was, i went to a party...and got wild and drunk... hard i guess... :o



I can't wait for christmas.....

but... i don't want December to end quickly cause, i don't wanna go back to school...
it sucks D:

so i'm just gonna stick to the point and update about today cause i can't really recall things that happened yeah..

and here i goo....

i went to Miri today, to send my mom to the airport...
she's going to Kuala Lumpur with 6 other friends of her's, to attend a business talk..or some shiz..i don't really know...

and it's a good thing.... it means that she's taking business into a whole new level..
so i pray to God that she'll be safe...along with her friends..

And, it's also not a good thing because while she's gone.. who's gonna do the laundry?? :o
i know i know.. i'm suppose to do it..but i have no idea how x.x 


so after sending mom the the airport, dad brought us to Bintang plaza to eat lunch at Mc Donalds~ :DD


and after that, we went to the bookstore named Popular to buy some stuffs...

so i bought this book: 

lol... it's actually interesting...

but too bad i bought the second book -.-

the first one was titled Fallen 

i feel like i wanna shoot myself right now =.=

"why can't you just buy both of them instead??" 


the problem is, when i'm shopping with my dad, i can only buy IMPORTANT STUFFS


mkj (major kill joy) -.-

while my lil bro bought bunch of shiz for school... seriously? -.-

and.. i actually wanted to buy a lot of stuffs...
like shirts and all....

this is why i hate shopping with my dad... he's always in a hurry to go home...

i prefer shopping with mommy..or with my friends D":

well.. this is my sad story after all....
and i hope you all have a great day...
bye c: